Voices Of Educators: Mia Rotondo

Mia Rotondo works on an art project with a student. They're dressed up for 80s Day at Ben Franklin Elementary. Credit: Mallory Falk/WWNO.

Mia Rotondo works on an art project with a student. They’re dressed up for 80s Day at Ben Franklin Elementary. Credit: Mallory Falk/WWNO.

This school year there’s been a lot of talk about how to fund special education, as the Recovery School District and Orleans Parish School Board move toward a unified funding formula. But what actually happens inside a special education classroom?

Mia Rotondo is a special education teacher at Ben Franklin Elementary. She and a paraprofessional, or teaching assistant, help students with the highest needs develop the skills to communicate.

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Support for Voices of Educators and education reporting on WWNO comes from Entergy Corporation.

This story was originally published by WWNO on May 16, 2016.

Tags: Ben Franklin Elementary, Mia Rotondo, Orleans Parish, Recovery School District, WWNO

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