Farewell (and Thank You)
The Southern Education Desk (SED) was created in 2011 through a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. That grant has ended, signaling the end of the SED.
The Southern Education Desk (SED) was created in 2011 through a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. That grant has ended, signaling the end of the SED.
For students in Metro Nashville schools, this year’s curriculum goes beyond acing standardized tests. It also includes lessons in what educators call “social-emotional learning.”
Most Southern states allow for some form of school choice – magnet schools, vouchers for private schools, charter schools and more. How do these options affect learning, school demographics, and student success? We explore Matters of Choice beginning with this report from WWNO’s Mallory Falk in New Orleans.
Students who don’t speak English as their first language – or “language minorities” – rank toward the bottom in almost every measure of academic achievement. Moral and legal concerns aside, even if their population were to stop rising, the situation signifies a looming hit to the national and regional economies. [...]
Students who don’t speak English as their first language, or “language minorities,” are some of the most socially and economically disadvantaged in our nation and in the South. So far in our series we’ve looked at two dual-language schools (a more common description since the phrase “bilingual schools” became politically [...]
As public schools become more linguistically diverse, some see bilingual or “dual-language” programs as a way to improve education for all – English speakers too. Yesterday we checked out an innovative dual-language school in a low-income Georgia neighborhood just outside Atlanta. Today we’ll visit a program 50 miles to the [...]
Story time for preschoolers on a regular, consistent basis can have a positive effect on their ability to read later– and possibly their likelihood to graduate.
In the middle of urban Birmingham, there’s a farm. Jones Valley Teaching Farm is an education center offering students and families gardening, nutrition courses, fresh food, and much more. With Earth Day and Arbor Day coming up, our Alabama reporter Dan Carsen sat down with its Executive Director, Grant Brigham. Dan starts off by asking Brigham if he sees the farm playing a part in Birmingham’s long-term sustainability.