Closing Costs

When her son William started taking public transportation to school, Lashunda Dean downloaded a tracking app on her cellphone. She shows off the app while her older son and the family cockatiel look on. Credit: Mallory Falk / WWNO
Charter Schools / Closing Costs / Louisiana

Closing Costs: Inside The School Close Out Process

When a school announces it’s closing, it doesn’t just shut its doors the next day. There’s a whole closure process. It’s a process Miller McCoy Academy — an all-boys middle and high school — has been following this year. We look inside that process as part of our series “Closing [...]

Students prepare to bow at Lagniappe's kindergarten graduation. Mallory Falk WWNO
Charter Schools / Closing Costs / Louisiana

Closing Costs: One Parent’s Search For A New School

When a school shuts down, families have to figure out where to go next. Anthony Parker faced that decision this year. His son AJ was a kindergartner at Lagniappe Academies, which closed on May 8. Parker spoke with WWNO Education Reporter Mallory Falk about finding a new school for AJ [...]

Jen Pike-Vassell walks first grader Bre'Yelle to class on the last day at Lagniappe Academies. Credit: Mallory Falk / WWNO
Charter Schools / Closing Costs / Community / Louisiana

Closing Costs: The Last Day At Lagniappe Academies

NOTE: This WWNO series, “Closing Costs,” follows three New Orleans schools who lost their charters. Part one is available here. At Lagniappe Academies, some administrators tried to hide a lack of services for students with disabilities. The state and Recovery School District chose to close the school, which is a cluster of [...]

Wilson parents Dana Wade and Miesha Jackson pose in front of the bumper cars at InspireNOLA Family Night. They want to make sure Wilson's new operator won't treat the school, or the students, like failures. Credit: Mallory Falk / WWNO
Charter Schools / Closing Costs / Community / Louisiana

Closing Costs: Parents Push For Role In Choosing New Charter School Operator

The school year is winding down, and for three New Orleans charters, the last day will bring dramatic changes. Two of those schools are closing for good. The third – kindergarten through 8th grade school Andrew H. Wilson Charter – is getting a new operator. The story of Wilson’s future is [...]