Post Tagged with: "legislation"

State Rep. Bill Dunn of Knoxville, right, says he was "not confident" that he had the votes to pass vouchers. Credit: Chas Sisk/WPLN
Audio / Tennessee

Saying Defeat Was Imminent, Tennessee Lawmaker Abruptly Withdraws School Voucher Plan

A plan to create the Tennessee’s first school voucher program has been jettisoned. The proposal had been set for a final vote on February 11 in what was expected to be a close and heated debate. But its chief sponsor says the idea just didn’t have enough support.

Teachers protest ed reforms at state capitol in March 2012
Audio / Louisiana / Multimedia / States

Louisiana Ed Reform Do-Over

Decisions in the lawsuits against Louisiana’s 2012 education reforms are setting up a “do-over” battle in the upcoming legislative session.

Louisiana Supreme Court Considers Constitutionality Of Vouchers
Louisiana / School Choice

Louisiana Supreme Court Considers Constitutionality Of Vouchers

Louisiana’s Supreme Court has now heard oral arguments over the constitutionality of the law establishing a statewide voucher program.

Louisiana Tenure Law Goes to Court

Louisiana Tenure Law Goes to Court

For the second time in less than a month, a teachers’ union is in court, challenging Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s education reforms on constitutional grounds. In a brief trial, State District Court Judge R. Michael Caldwell heard oral arguments from both the union and the state, and said he would deliver his ruling within a day.

Louisiana School Choice Trial: Day 2
Louisiana / School Choice

Louisiana School Choice Trial: Day 2

The Louisiana Federation of Teachers, Louisiana Association of Educators, and Louisiana School Boards Association are in court seeking to nullify parts of the state’s school choice law by having state District Court Judge Tim Kelley declare them unconstitutional. Judge Kelley concluded the second day’s proceedings by saying he’ll hear closing arguments Friday morning, then decide by early afternoon whether he can render his decision.

Louisiana School Choice Trial: Day 1
Charter Schools / Louisiana

Louisiana School Choice Trial: Day 1

The Louisiana Federation of Teachers, Louisiana Association of Educators, and Louisiana School Boards Association are in court seeking to nullify parts of the state’s school choice law by having state District Court Judge Tim Kelley declare them unconstitutional.

Wanted Dead Or Alive: Louisiana Vouchers
Louisiana / School Choice

Wanted Dead Or Alive: Louisiana Vouchers

The new Louisiana “School Choice” law is stirring up a hotbed of debate, especially its framework for new statewide voucher provisions. Neither side is backing down an inch. Demand for the state’s voucher program exceeds availability, yet the lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the program will move forward.

Battling The Bullies
Bullying Series / Louisiana / Video

Battling The Bullies

After three Louisiana teens take their own lives–allegedly prompted by bullying–state lawmakers pass an anti-bullying law named for one of them, but is it enough?