Post Tagged with: "students"

A view from outside Julia Tutwiler Prison in Wetumpka, Alabama. Photo by Dan Carsen.
Alabama / Audio / Multimedia / Special Coverage

INTERVIEW: Counseling Coordinator Of A College For The Incarcerated

J.F. Ingram State is a unique part of Alabama’s two-year college system because one hundred percent of its students are incarcerated. Its new pilot program at Julia Tutwiler Prison focuses on life skills, not just vocational training. As part of WBHM-Birmingham’s prison-reporting partnership with Alabama Media Group’s Investigative Journalism Lab, our Dan Carsen spoke with Ingram State counseling coordinator Rick Vest outside Ingram’s Tutwiler campus. Vest says learning job skills isn’t enough.

Students Have Their Say With New Online Survey
Multimedia / Student Voices / Tennessee / Video

Students Have Their Say With New Online Survey

The Tennessee Department of Education is rolling out a new survey for students to rate their schools on issues like bullying, drug and alcohol use, and classroom engagement.

Photo by Erica Lembo
Alabama / American Graduate / Video

American Graduate: Alabama Teachers Attend APT’s Town Hall Event To Discuss Dropout Rate

Teachers from across Alabama recently gathered in Birmingham to discuss a troubling statewide trend. According to The Southern Education Foundation, 40 percent of Alabama’s students failed to graduate in 2010. Alabama Public Television is working hard to raise awareness and combat the problem. Through an American Graduate grant, APT hosted a teacher town hall event for teachers to come together to discuss the dropout rate and raise solutions.

Photo by Erica Lembo
Alabama / Early Education / Pre-K Series / Video

Birmingham Law Enforcement Officials Promote Early Childhood Education (Video)

Birmingham law enforcement officials are stressing the importance of early education. Police Captain Henry Irby and Jefferson County District Attorney Brandon Falls recently visited the Festival Head Start center to spread an important message— invest more in kids. And officials believe this will in turn lead to less crime.

Battling The Bullies
Bullying Series / Louisiana / Video

Battling The Bullies

After three Louisiana teens take their own lives–allegedly prompted by bullying–state lawmakers pass an anti-bullying law named for one of them, but is it enough?

Photo by Erica Lembo
Alabama / Good Teaching Series / Making The Grade / Video

“What is Good Teaching?” Series: “Take One Initiative” Works Towards Better-Trained Teachers

Educators recently gathered at Minor High School in Alabama — a school where significant changes are taking place. The ultimate goal is to help every child succeed through better-trained teachers. The school district is already seeing a positive change after two years.

Piedmont High School students work on their MacBooks under teacher supervision - Photo from Flickr
Alabama / Classroom Technology / Teaching Technology / Video

Rural Alabama Students Get 21st Century Skills

Educators from around Alabama traveled to the rural Piedmont school district last week to see firsthand, how it is empowering its students with 21st century skills. Through an initatiave called MPower Piedmont, students in grades 4 through 12 are given their own laptop to use in class and take home.

Photo by K. T. King, courtesy of Flickr.
Alabama / Audio

Carsen Talks Immigration, Testing, Summer Break & More

There’s a lot happening on the Alabama education beat right now. The state legislature is in its last week, with controversial charter school bills and more hanging in the balance. The Department of Justice is concerned with the lingering effects of Alabama’s immigration law on Latino students, the vast majority of whom are legal. And of course, there are people of all ages doing great things. WBHM’s Tanya Ott interviews SED reporter Dan Carsen in this week’s installment of “All Things Alabama Education.”