Post Tagged with: "Alabama Education Association"

Carsen Talks Public Money For Private Schools & More On APTV
Alabama / Video

Carsen Talks Public Money For Private Schools & More On APTV

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Our Alabama reporter Dan Carsen recently appeared as a guest journalist on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal,” a highly regarded program analyzing the week’s significant stories. Among other things, Dan discusses the controversial Alabama Accountability Act, which will be a subject of debate in the final session of the state legislature today as lawmakers address Governor Robert Bentley’s call to delay establishing tax credits for families sending students to private schools.

George Hall relies on school-wide lesson plans and behavior policies, not to mention constant striving for improvement. Photo by Dan Carsen.
Alabama / Audio / Making The Grade / Turnaround School Series

School Turnaround: From Disaster To National Leader

Imagine a school in a poor, crime-ridden neighborhood – discipline problems, dismal reputation, among the worst test scores in Alabama. That was Mobile’s George Hall Elementary in 2004. Now imagine a school known nationwide for innovative teaching and high performance.That’s George Hall Elementary now. In Part IV of our series on “Turnaround Schools,” we find out how they did it.

Just one group of students whom staff walk home each day. Photo by Dan Carsen.
Alabama / Audio / Making The Grade / Turnaround School Series

School Turnaround: How Did George Hall Do It?

Sometimes, poorly run disadvantaged schools defy the statistics and turn themselves around. Sometimes, they can even rise so high they become national models for education in any neighborhood. In the conclusion of our series on “Turnaround Schools,” we pick up the story of an elementary school that did just that. How did it happen? It wasn’t easy, but persistence, teamwork, and a belief in the students won out.

Tuesday night was a long meeting in more ways than one for the Birmingham Board of Education. Photo by Dan Carsen.

State of Alabama Takes Control Of Birmingham Schools

In developments that many saw coming, the Alabama state education department is seizing control of Birmingham City Schools. Southern Education Desk reporter Dan Carsen attended the late-night meeting and has has this breaking web-exclusive from Birmingham.

Photo by K. T. King, courtesy of Flickr
Alabama / Audio

Carsen Talks State Intervention, Angry Rally

The Alabama education beat is churning. The problems on the Birmingham Board of Education have risen to the level of national news, and educators worried about everything from charter schools to budget cuts are raising their concerns, loudly. Southern Education Desk reporter Dan Carsen talks with WBHM’s Tanya Ott about all this and more, starting with the big unfolding story: the drama surrounding the Birmingham Board of Education and the superintendent whom five board members tried to fire.

Photo by K. T. King, courtesy of Flickr.
Alabama / Audio

Carsen Talks Congress, Charters, and Limbs

There’s unfolding drama at the local, state, and national levels on the Alabama education beat. In this week’s interview, SED reporter Dan Carsen talks congressional investigations, online charter schools, and artificial limbs.

Photo by K. T. King, courtesy of Flickr
Alabama / Audio

Carsen Talks Explosions and Explosive Issues

Several Alabama school communities are reeling after incidents last week shook things up. E.P.I.C. Elementary School in Birmingham had to be evacuated Friday after a propane tank exploded. No one was hurt, but down in Mobile County, a teacher was taken to the hospital after an incident with a student. Nice, tame topics like charter-school propaganda, same-sex prom dates, and Louis Farrakhan round out this week’s interview, which ends on a positive note.

Carsen Talks Guns, Awards, & Corp. Incentives
Alabama / Audio

Carsen Talks Guns, Awards, & Corp. Incentives

Each week, WBHM-Birmingham’s Tanya Ott interviews SED reporter Dan Carsen about what’s happening on the Alabama education beat. This week’s chat spans guns on campus, nationally recognized teachers, pension benefit cuts, and corporate tax incentives.